Designed to remove asphalt and solvent based mastics commonly found under asbestos containing VAT and VCT floor tile. When sub-floors are rinsed and allowed to dry, new flooring may be installed. This product does NOT contain asbestos.
• If necessary, protect walls, drains, cracks, and other flooring with an absorbent (rags, kitty litter, sawdust) to keep liquefied mastic contained.
• Wet the entire adhesive surface with LOMR. This may be done by spraying or mopping LOMR over the surface of the mastic. Allow LOMR to soak and penetrate into the mastic for 10-20 minutes.
• Scrape or squeegee the bulk of the softened or liquefied mastic from the surface with a floor scraper (razor scraper) or floor squeegee.
• Wash and rinse the floor thoroughly with soap and water to ensure a clean surface. Allow to dry a minimum of 24 hours before installing new flooring.
Distillates (petroleum), hydrotreated light (CAS#64742-47-8), 2-Butoxy ethanol (CAS#111-76-2)